OU Commencement 2024

Senior Class Gift

OU will present a special senior gift at the June Commencement.  In a celebration of growth, wisdom, and lasting legacy, the graduating class of 2024 at OU will receive a unique and meaningful senior gift during the June Commencement. This year, the senior gift is particularly special, featuring the planting of a new tree on the main campus.

The tree, symbolizing God’s wisdom, His provisions, and new life, will serve as a lasting legacy for the graduating class. Each year, a tree will be dedicated to the graduating class with a special sign to commemorate their year, placed throughout the Riverside main campus.

During the commencement ceremony, a presentation will be given to the class of 2024, highlighting the significance of this gift. The tree planting not only represents the culmination of the students’ academic journey but also marks the beginning of their new paths, rooted in the knowledge and experiences gained at OU.

As each tree grows and flourishes, it will stand as a testament to the enduring impact of the graduates, inspiring future generations with its presence and the values it embodies.